Silsila (Spiritual Order) is a Sufi's badge of identity and source of legitimation. It provides them with a list of illustrious predecessors and shows how they are related to other Sufis. The literal meaning of the word "Silsila" is a chain which signifies a continuous link between master and disciple. This chain is stretched to the unbroken spiritual genealogy to the Prophet Muhammad AS.

Elhamdullah, I belong to the Most Distinguished of the Sufi Paths to Allah, The Great Osmanli Nakshibendi Order, who is lead by my master, Hz Sheykh Lokman Effendi QS. The chain of authority is written here below:

IndexBlessed Rijalallah
2.Seyyidul Awliya Abu Bakr Siddiq (R.A.)
3.Salman Farisi (R.A.)
4.Imam Kasim bin Muhammed (R.A.)
5.Imam Jafer Sadiq (R.A.)
6.Sultanul Arifin Bayezid Bestami (ق)
7.Ebul Hasan Harkani (ق)
8.Ebu Ali Ahmed Farmedi (ق)
9.Haje Yusuf Hamedani (ق)
10.Ebul Abbas Hizir (A.S.)
11.Abdul Halik Gujdevani (ق)
12.Haje Arif Rivekri (ق)
13.Haje Mahmud Injir Faghnevi (ق)
14.Haje Aziz 'Ali Ramitani (ق)
15.Haje Muhammed Baba Semmasi (ق)
16.Haje Seyyid Emir Kulal (ق)
17.Haje Bahauddin Shah Naks-I'bend (ق)
18.Haje Alauddin Muhammed Attar (ق)
19.Haje Yakub Cherhi (ق)
20.Haje Ubeydullah-il Ahrar (ق)
21.Muhammed-uz Zahid (ق)
22.Dervish Muhammed Buhari (ق)
23.Hajegi Emkineki Semerkandi (ق)
24.Muhammed Haje Bakibillah (ق)
25.Imam Rabbani Faruki Serhendi (ق)
26.Muhammed Masum-ur Rabbani (ق)
27.Haje Seyfuddin-ir Rabbani (ق)
28.Nur Muhammed Bedvani (ق)
29.Habibullah Jan-u Janan Mazhar (ق)
30.Gulam Ali Abdullah Dehlevi (ق)
31.Ziyauddin Halid al Baghdadi (ق)
32.Sheykh Ismail Enerani (ق)
33.Has Muhammed Shirvani (ق)
34.Seyh Muhammed Efendi Yaraghi (ق)
35.Seyyid Jemaleddin Gumukiyyi (ق)
36.Ebu Ahmed-is Sughuri (ق)
37.Ebu Muhammed-ul Medeni (ق)
38.Seyyid Sherafuddin Daghestan-i (ق)
39.Seyh Abdullah Faiz ad-Daghestani (ق)
40.Shah Sultan Mevlana Muhammad Nazim Adil al-Hakkani (ق)
41.Sahibul Saif Sheykh AbdulKarim Al-Kibrisi (ق)
42.Sheykh Lokman Effendi (ق)

The Naksibendis are the Masters of the Caravan,
Who guide to the Sacred House using the Secret Road.
All the Lions of the Universe are connected to this Silsila (Chain),
How could foxes ever tear us apart?
May Allah keep us with those Lions of the Universe. Amin
- Mevlana Jami (ق), who was a Murid of Khwaja Ubaydullah Ahrar (ق)