Hz Zati Shah Wali also Known as "Shah Wali" is one of King size awliaAllah of Kashmir. He lived during the 16th century. His Shrine is located in the district of Kupwara Dragmullah village. His resting place is called Muqaam e ShahWali. Before becoming a saint he was serving in the Kashmir's Army as a commander. But after an incident, he gave his hand to Sheykh Hamza Maqdoomi (also known as Sultaan ul Arifeen).

After a dream about Zati Shah Wali QS, my heart was inspired about the wisdom behind Shah Wali's karamat (miracle) - "The dry dead fishes that Zati Shahwali QS threw in the spring resembled our dead hearts. And the spiring resembled the ocean of Zati Shah which is connected with the divine ocean. Hz Zati Shah Wali QS wanted to convey that Awlia Allah took the dead hearts of their mureeds and threw them into the divine ocean. So then they are no longer dead. Because the divine ocean has the quality to make them alive, just like those dead fishes became alive and are still alive. Those who are thrown into the ocean are part of the ocean and the ocean is alive forever."

The dawn and the dusk,
The heart and the mind,
All that is here,
All that is there,
Everything that is,
Everything that will be,
Or everything that was,
O the is confused one-
between soul and clay;
Everything has a secret,
Everything is a secret.
You don't need a mind to learn,
You should have a heart,
to understand and to unlock.
All those secrets,
They all speak something,
they have a story,
as you and I have.

But "no" if you choose mind,
Instead of love and passion,
Every secret door will be closed.
O one who is yet to love -
You are wasting yourself.
You may earn all the gold,
But in the eyes of love,
That is dust and rotten mud.

Search for that master,
who will entrust you -
Your secret and love back.
He is a guardian of secrets,
Give him your heart,
Give him your soul.
He will turn it alive,
He will make you feel.
This is no myth or lie,
O friend, the friends of Allah -
They have power and support
They burned themselves,
In the fire of love,
They took the huge fire,
And placed into their heart,
So they became the legends,

As Ibrahim throw himself,
in the giant fire,
But the truth survived,
as falsehood is to perish,
The fire became a garden,
The Ibrahim
was alive.
As He said, My friend-
Don't fear, don't grieve.
So the friends don't die,
Their essence is with every living.
When a drop falls into the ocean,
It is no longer a drop,
Now it is a part of the ocean.

Do you need proof?
Oh my friend, here -
I will say you a song,
Of immortality and aliveness.
Deep in the valley of Kashmir,
Between giant mountains, meadows,
and the long streams,
in the midst of divine culture,
Once lived a great saint,
The magnificent and the lover,
His holiness, the Zati Shah Wali*,
His hand is in the hand of the sultan,
the king of seekers, Sheykh Hamzah*,
Zati, traveled seeking love,
Taking the pain away,
and giving the divine light.
He settled in a forest of Kupwara
worshipping and observing, laughing,
and crying, for the sake of Haq
He became to be Shah-Wali,
The divine gaze is on him,
The beloved* love him,
So he became king of friends.

One day, a lady passed by,
Selling dry fish to eat,
The Shah-Wali* took some,
and threw them into spring.
The secret played its role,
Those dry, dead fishes,
Came back to life,
And praising their Lord,
Today even this is intact,
Those fishes are still alive,
Go and see yourself,
The essence of love,
The station of love.

They took the mud,
And made it to love,
The love made it alive,
If you will keep the love,
You are forever,
Just like those fishes.
And everything that you touch,
will be alive and forever.
The saints are alive, as fishes are,
Take this advice of a friend -
Your heart is so dead,
Just like those dry fishes,
You need to find Zaiti*,
Who will take your dead heart,
and fill it with - life, love, and light.

O those who are seeing there,
Only a spring of water,
Nay! Deep in that water,
Is a secret connection,
With the divine love of mercy,
Divine is never dead,
It is always fresh and alive,
So anything connected to it,
Is forever with the permission,
Just as Prophets and saints.
They have the connection,
And they have to command,
To fill other cups with love,
And turn them forever.

So what are you looking for?
Beg Allah to send you,
to that spring of mercy,
So you know what worship is?
Don't pretend to pray,
Pray with an alive heart,
So it may be accepted.
Don't deny the saints,
Don't turn away,
They come to rescue you,
From the hell of your ego,
They will set you free,
Don't rely on your knowledge,
Burn all your books,
And start a live book.


  • Prophet Ibrahim AS
  • Hz Zati Shah-Wali QS
  • Sheykh Hamzah (Maqdoom Sb) QS
  • Prophet Muhammad AS