To me - I found it extremely difficult to define or introduce my own self. They say one who knows himself, knows His lord. It is very evident whatever we try to claim about our own selves is not reality but is a reflection of our ego. It's falsehood and is bound to perish. A year before we were something and now on comparing we're something else.

But since I have decided to maintain a personal space over the internet (while learning JamStack). So for the same matter I owe here an introduction about myself.

Not so special, I was born on 25th Of November 1997 in a small side valley of kashmir called Lolab's village Sogam. I had my basic education from Army Goodwill School which was located in a remote village - Chandigam. Later for my higher education, I went to SSM College of Engineering and did my bachelor of engineering in Computer Science.

By profession, I am an engineer who is trying to satisfy a thirst of curiosity and creativity. But what I am looking for is actually beyond the skies.

I discovered my passion for writing in my childhood. From Urdu to English and Kashmiri, I have written a great length of poems. My poems often manifested love and longingness as their central theme (for her, obviously!) . Some of my poems are available online but most of my works are unpublished; But by the right time I will get them out, inshAllah. In the world of poems, I was influenced by Saghar Siddiqui initially but then I explored Mirza Ghalib's epic divan and got lost in it. But nowadays, I am trying to understand Hz Mevlana Rumi's Masnavi Shareef and Kashmir's poetry culture.

During my twenties, I found Sufism (Islamic spirituality and mysticism) very interesting. I was keenly researching the truth behind the meta-science from the Islamic point of view. Many modern Muslims nowadays deny the spiritual aspect of Islam but as for Kashmir, we inherit Sufi tradition from Shah e Hamdan (QS) (A sufi saint who brought Islam to Kashmir from central Asia). Therefore, it was impossible for me to turn a blind eye and deny it completely. Ultimately my seeking led me to my master Sheykh Lokman Effendi (QS) and I embraced tariqat (sufism) once and for-all.

As from Sufic aspect, I am a disciple of his holiness Sheykh Lokman Effendi who is leading the Most Distinguished Osmanli Nakshibendi Spiritual Order. May Allah make it easy for all the seekers (including this humble weak creature) to find and be sincere in this way.

As I am always interested in learning new cool things, during this weekend off, I decided to learn JamStack. JamStack is a web development architecture pattern which is used to generate static websites. I always wanted to have my own website, so this time I thought to give it a shot while learning JamStack alongside ;-)

I will be writing about reflection, poems and commentary on this blog. Anyone who is interested can read and all the suggestions are welcomed!